This page, and subsequent sub-pages provide lists of Canadian Perfins (perforated Insignia), that are available for purchase.
Each Perfin is referenced using information published by the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) in their 'free' Perfin Handbook available for viewing or downloading the hanbook. (
The Perfins available for purchase are listed/sorted by their assigned "Perfin Number", then Scott Number, and finally its rotation (from 1 to 8).
In categorizing the Condition of each perfin, I have used the standard VFNH, VFH, FNH, FH, VFU, and FU terms. However for a Perfin, these terms are in reference to the location of the perfin within the stamp and NOT the physical condition of the stamp (ie. The printing could be off-centre, and damaged edges/perforations) but would be classified as Very Fime (VF) if the perfin insignia is within a single stamp (even if there are missing pin-holes of the insignia). If the complete insignia is not within the individual stamp then it would be classified as Fine (F).
- A05 - "AR/&Co". Alphonse Racine & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- B01 - "(B) star", Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Detroit, MI, USA
- B04 - "BB", Bees Stamps, Regina, SK.
- B06 - "BC/ER", British Columbia Electric Railway Co. Ltd., Vancouver, BC.
- B10 - "B/LL/B", Lamontangne Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- B12 - "B of M", Bank of Montreal, Winnipeg, MB.
- B15 - "BT", Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- B16 - "BT", Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- C06 - "CBC", Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Ottawa, ON.
- C08 - "CCC", Canada Cement Co. Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- C09 - "CC/&F", Canadian Car & Foundry Co. Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- C10 - "C(Co)", Codville Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, MB.
- C11 - "CCR", Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., Montreal, PQ.
- C12 - "CEA", Canadian Edison Appliance Company, Straford, ON.
- C13 - "CFF", Canada Foundaries & Forgings Ltd., Brockville, ON.
- C14 - "C/GE", Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto, ON.
- C15 - "C/GE", Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto, ON.
- C16 - "C/GE" retooled, Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto, ON.
- C19 - "CIL" retooled, Canadian Industries Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- C20 - "C(Jo)", James Coristone & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- C21 - "CMS", Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company of Canada Ltd., Trail, BC,
- C23 - "CNR", Canadian Northern Railway, Winnipeg, MB.
- C24 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Toronto, ON.
- C25 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Toronto, ON.
- C26 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Vancouver, BC.
- C27 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Montreal, PQ.
- C28 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Winnipeg, MB.
- C29 - "CNR", Canadian National Railway, Montreal, PQ.
- C30 - "CP", Consolidated Press, Toronto, ON.
- C32 - "CPR", Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- C33 - "CPR", Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Montreal, PQ.
- C34 - "CPR", Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Montreal, PQ.
- C35 - "CPR", Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- C36 - "CPR", Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Vancouver, BC.
- C37 - "CSL", Canadian Steamship Lines, Montreal, PQ.
- C42 - "CTC(o)", Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, IL, USA
- C46 - "CW/C", Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd., Hamilton, ON.
- C48 - "CXL", Canadian Explosives Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- D04 - "DG/CO", Dominion Glass Company Ltd., Hamilton, ON.
- D06 - "DM/CO", Dennison Manufacturing Co., Montreal, PQ.
- D09 - "DTC(o)", Drug Trading Company, Toronto, ON.
- E01 - "E", Swift Canadian Company, Edmonton, AB.
- E02 - "E", T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- F02 - "FCC", Fowler's Canadian Co. Ltd., Hamilton, ON.
- F04 - "FS/&CO", Finlay, Smith & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- G01 - "G", Goodwin's Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- G02 - "G/IC", Globe Indemnity Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- G06 - "G/LD", Greenshields Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- G08 - "GM/Co", Gordon Mackay & Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- G10 - "GN", Great Northern Railway Company, St.Paul, MN, USA.
- G13 - "GTP", Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Winnipeg, MB.
- G14 - "GTR", Grand Trunk Railway System, Montreal, PQ.
- G15 - "GUNN", Gunn, Langlois & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- G17 - "GWL", Great-West Life Assurance Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- G19 - "GWL", Great-West Life Assurance Co., Halifax, NS.
- G20 - "GWL", Great-West Life Assurance Co., Montreal, PQ.
- G22 - "GWL", Great-West Life Assurance Co., Saint John, NB.
- G23 - "GWL", Great-West Life Assurance Co., Calgary, AB.
- H02 - "HBK", Hudson Bay Knitting Co., Montreal, PQ.
- I04 - "IHC", International Harvester Company of America, London, ON.
- I05 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, North Battleford, SK.
- I06 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Yorkton, SK.
- I07 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Estevan, SK.
- I08 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Brandon, MB.
- I09 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Lethbridge, AB.
- I10 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Calgary, AB.
- I11 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Edmonton, AB.
- I12 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Quebec, PQ.
- I13 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Hamilton, ON.
- I14 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Winnipeg, MB.
- I15 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, London, ON.
- I16 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- I17 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
- I18 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Regina, SK.
- I19 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Saint John, NB.
- I20 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Saskatoon, SK.
- I21 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Winnipeg, MB.
- I22 - "C(HI)", International Harvester Company of Canada, Vancouver, BC.
- I26 - "IT/Co", Imperial Tobacco Co., Montreal, PQ.
- J01 - "JA", James Alexander Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- J02 - "JBF/Co", J.B. Ford Sales Company, Wyandotte, MI, USA.
- J03 - "JBM", Maclean Publishing Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- J10 - "JMD", John MacDonald & Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- J11 - "JMT", James Morrison Brass Manufacturing Co., Toronto, ON.
- J13 - "JR/Co", James Robertson Co., Montreal, PQ.
- L01 - "LA", Province of Ontario, Toronto, ON.
- L08 - "LSC", Lake Superior Corporation, Sault Sainte Marie, ON.
- M04 - "M(C/C)", McClary Manufacturing Co., London, ON.
- M05 - "M(C/C)", McClary Manufacturing Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- M06 - "M(C/C)", McClary Manufacturing Co., Montreal, PQ.
- M07 - "McL)", W.S. McLaughlin Co, Winnipeg, MB.
- M08 - "MC/RR", Michigan Central Railway Co., Detroit, MI, USA.
- M12 - "M-H", Massey-Harris Co. Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- M13 - "ML/C", Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada, Waterloo, ON.
- M14 - "MLH", Montreal Light, Heat & Power Co., Montreal, PQ.
- M16 - "MLI/Co", Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York, NY, USA
- M17 - "MLI/Co", Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Ottawa, ON.
- M20 - "MMH", Millar-Morse Hardware Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- M23 - "MR/MC", Montreal Rolling Mills Co., Montreal, PQ.
- M24 - "MS/W", Montreal Stencil Works, Montreal, PQ.
- M28 - "MW/A", Marshall-Wells Alberta Co., Edmonton, Alberta
- N01 - "NA/LIFE", North American Life Assurance Co., Toronto, ON.
- N03 - "ND", Department of National Defence, Ottawa, ON.
- N04 - "NE", Northern Electric Co., Montreal, PQ.
- N06 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., New York, NY. USA.
- N10 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Vancouver, BC.
- N13 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Ottawa, ON.
- N15 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Montreal, PQ.
- N17 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Quebec, PQ.
- N18 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Vancouver, BC.
- N20 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Toronto, ON.
- N22 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Toronto, ON.
- N24 - "NLY", New York Life Insurance Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- N30 - "NYC", New York Central System, New York, NY. USA.
- N31 - "NYC", New York Central System, New York, NY. USA.
- O01 - "OAG", Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Toronto, ON.
- O04 - "OFM", Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- O05 - "OFM/Co", Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Montreal, PQ.
- O06 - "OFM/.Co", Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- O07 - "OFM/Co.", Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Fort William, ON.
- O08 - "OH/MS", 5-hole, Department of Finance, Ottawa, ON.
- O09 - "OH/MS", 4-hole, Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
- O10 - "OH/MS", 4-hole, Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
- O12 - "OHN", Osler, Hammond & Nanton, Winnipeg, MB.
- O14 - "OSM/Co", Office Specialty Manufacturing Co., Toronto, ON.
- P04 - "PD", Parke, Davis & Co., Toronto, ON.
- P05 - "PD", Parke, Davis & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- P06 - "PD", Parke, Davis & Co., Winnipeg, MB.
- P07 - "PD/Co", Parke, Davis & Co., Walkerville, ON.
- P13 - "P&L", Pratt & Lambert, Bridgeburg, ON.
- P18 - "PS", Province of Saskatchewan, Regina, SK.
- P19 - "PS", Province of Saskatchewan, Regina, SK.
- P21 - "PT/L", P.T. Legare Ltd., Quebec, PQ.
- Q01 - "Q/CLQ/C", Quebec Liquor Commission, Montreal, PQ.
- R03 - "RIC(o)/LD", Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., Montreal, PQ.
- R05 - "R&Q/COS", Royal & Queen Insurance Companies, Montreal, PQ.
- R06 - "R&Q/COS", Royal & Queen Insurance Companies, Vancouver, BC.
- R07 - "R&Q/COS", Royal & Queen Insurance Companies, Montreal, PQ.
- R08 - "(R)S(Co)", Robert Simpson Co., Toronto, ON.
- R09 - "RT/Co", Royal Trust Co., Montreal, PQ.
- S01 - "S", Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- S02 - "S", Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., Moose Jaw, SK.
- S03 - "S", Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- S04 - "S", Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., Moncton, NB.
- S07 - "Oval (S)", Shawinigan Water & Power Co., Montreal, PQ.
- S10 - "SC/C", Steel Company of Canada, Hamilton, ON.
- S15 - "S.L/A Co", Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- S20 - "STC", F.X. St. Charles & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- S21 - "SUN/LIFE", Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- S22 - "SUN/LIFE", Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Montreal, PQ.
- T02 - "TH/ES", Toronto Hydro Electric System, Toronto, ON.
- T03 - "T&L", Trust & Loan Company of Canada, Winnipeg, MB.
- T04 - "TN/OR", Temiskaming & Northern Ont. Railway Commission, North Bay, ON.
- T06 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, CT., USA.
- T07 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., New York, NY., USA.
- T08 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, CT., USA.
- T09 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, CT., USA.
- T12 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., Montreal, PQ.
- T13 - "TRAV", Travelers Insurance Co., Montreal, PQ.
- W01 - "WARD", Jos. Ward & Co., Montreal, PQ.
- W03 - "WBR", Warwick Bros. & Rutter, Toronto, ON.
- W05 - "WC/B", Workmen's Compensation Board of B.C., Vancouver, BC.
- W07 - "WHM", W.H. Malkin Co., Vancouver, BC.
- W09 - "WJG", W.J. Gage Co., Toronto, ON.
- W10 - "W.J.G.", W.J. Gage Co., Toronto, ON.
- W13 - "WR/Co", William Rennie Co. Ltd., Toronto, ON.
- W14 - "WR/Co.", William Rennie Co. Ltd., Vancouver, BC.
- W16 - "WU", Western Union Telegraph Co., Saint John, NB.
- W18 - "WW/JR", William Wrigley Jr. Co., Toronto, ON.
- #1 - "maltese cross", The Gutta Percha & Rubber Ltd., Toronto, ON.